In Closed


Our basic Photo Booth package comes with 3 hours of time, 2 attendants, 2 print outs per session and a photobook. This is a tented booth so maximum capacity is around 4-6 people. All props are provided. Dependent on location and room. 


Mirror Booth


If you want to really WOW your guests choose the Mirror! This is a fully interactive full body mirror. Haven't had a party where it was the talk of the night. 2 consecutive hours, 2 attendants, multiple print outs per session and a photobook. It is a open format booth so maximum capacity is 10-12 people. Dependent of location and room. Don't miss out of an amazing experience. 

 FULL DISCLOSURE!!! Due to covid restrictions we had to sell our Photobooth equipment and now sub contract it out. We will send you the few companies we trust so you can now make a decision on style and company. Sorry we just couldn’t keep the attention on the DJ portion and keep the PhotoBooth up to proper code. I strive for the best possible experience on every level and felt i could no longer supply both.

Open Booth


This is becoming ever more popular. Also dependent of location and room. This is for 2 consecutive hours, 2 attendants, 2 print outs per session and a photobook. This booth comes with a custom backdrop and all props are provided. Maximum capacity is 10-12 people.

Add An Hour


All booths have the ability to be extended. Your receive the same quality of service and product with all added time. This is subject to the halls time line as to whether we are allowed to stay open.